New Virus Gate album “Reborn” released

The new Virus Gate album “Reborn” has been released on all music platforms. Please check out https://virusgate.scrycoast.com/
The new Virus Gate album “Reborn” has been released on all music platforms. Please check out https://virusgate.scrycoast.com/
Scrycoast hereby announces that the updates and improvements on Scrycoast assets in the Unity Asset Store are discontinued due to other projects and limited time. Customer support is still guaranteed and all questions about existing assets will be answered. However, no more changes in the code will be performed.
The same goes for individual skybox creation offers, animations and game music composition. Only existing products can be aquired as usual on the different stores.
Thanks to all loyal customers that used and still use Scrycoast assets like the Smooth Orbit Cam! It has been a great time to work on these assets, but it is time to focus on future projects.
The new SciFi novel “reSomium” is now for sale as an Ebook or Print-On-Demand-Version! It is only available on german.
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